
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Ann Dinneen

Hello, I'm Ann. I live in Clonakilty.  I think Favours is a great idea - a modern version of an old Irish custom when neighbours did 'favours' for each other without expecting payment.  I'm involved in writing, complementary therapies (retired now) including Nutrition and Bach Remedies. And, very interested - or rather concerned - about the water we drink.

Skills to Trade
Public speaking coaching i.e. best man, father/mother of the bride. Help with organising or publicising an event.  Listening ear over a nice cup of tea! Basic computer skills - e-mails, Skype, Internet research.  Help with form filling, typing and printing of letters - help with composing letters.  Lifts to airport.  Reading to someone.

Qualifications and experience
Area & Divisional Co-Ordinator of Toastmasters International. Advanced Communicator Award.  Diploma in Nutrition.  London Trained & Registered Reflexologist (retired but offering as a favour).  30 years experience of Bach Remedies (interview required before recommending)

Contact details
023 88 35662 & 087 2751229

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