
Sunday 1 April 2012

CFE Launch invitation to Press

County Cork leads the way again!

Clonakilty Favour Exchange Official Launch - Press Conference, Friday May 4th, 3pm O' Donovan's Hotel, Clonakilty

You may have seen reports in the media about the Clonakilty Favour Exchange in recent weeks.  This is a new project in the region which has attracted tremendous support and interest, locally and nationally.

Constantin Gurdgiev
Our website is here with full information :

CFE is intended to be a positive response to present difficulties - a means by which people in the area can help one another by a free exchange of labour and skill.  Goodwill is the only requirement for membership.  Following an interview on RTE Radio1 the idea looks set to take off nationally - there's another Favour Exchange in Killarney and others due to start up elsewhere.  Internet entrepreneur and philanthropist Bill Liao has also joined the Exchange as its Giving Officer and CFE will be holding a national workshop in Kilkenny later in the year.

We are holding our official launch on Friday the 4th of May. The day's events include:

Information stall at the weekly Friday market 12-2.00 - with singing by AcapellaBella at 1.00pm

Press conference at O' Donovans Hotel at 3pm with economist Constantin Gurdgiev who is travelling from Dublin to support our theme: the alternative economics of goodwill.

Tapas at Richys Bistro from 5pm

We hope that you will be available to cover this event.  If not, I will be glad to speak to a reporter and to forward any information that might helpful.

Yours sincerely

Miriam Cotton
como hacer un gif
089 4352675

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