Special Admin Meeting Sunday 28th July to discuss Cyclos system
Present Matt, Ger, Vic, Deb , Bev, Miriam
That Matt Hart is going to build CFE its own banking software system to be hosted on his own server
That we will ensure a back-up system and that at least two people are capable of being system administrator at any one time
The system will be custom built to be able do what we need, making it faster, more efficient and more accessible
We will continue to use Cyclos for the time being. Matt says the new system will be ready within a week or two (no pressure Matt, if it takes longer than that, Vic has said we can use Cyclos on his sever for six months)
Matt will also be able to link the favour balances to display directly on the website
The new favour logging system will continue to be run by admins based on email/form notification from members
We will investigate migrating the website itself to Matt's server - pros and cons of doing so to be identified
Bev & Mim to draft a list for Matt of the features that the new system will ideally be capable of before he begins work. We'll circulate to everyone for addition/comment before giving it to Matt.
The new system would ideally be trialled among those who do favour updating/admin before it goes 'live'

Minutes of Special Admin Meeting Thursday 25th July to discuss cyclos and favour update system
Attending were Morag, Julia, Miriam, Bev, Ger and Olive, Vic
1. The central adminstrator/server
Vic has offered the use of his server until another server can be found to host the Cyclos system. Vic has concerns about other CFE members having access to his passwords while using his server. He has offered to pass on the training he received from Christian Beyond this he want no role managing the Cyclos system.
2. Training.
It was agreed that the Cyclos system is more user friendly than the previous system used to log favours however some members were not issued with a password and are unable to access Cyclos to contribute to the admin.
It was agreed that we need to learn how to use the system and that there are many tasks we don't know how to do that were previously done by Christian. Vic referred to a user manual put together by Christian. Morag unsure if changes were made after that manual was put together and suggested we might need the updated version.
Miriam to contact Christian and request further training, perhaps using Skype.
3. Issuing Passwords/ levels of security.
Christian issued passwords before leaving to Bev, Miriam, Julia, Morag and Vic. Ger requested password.
Morag and Julia said that there were several levels of access to Cyclos beyond theirs. Vic questioned why additional members would need access. It was explained that all admin needs to be shared in order to spread the workload and to monitor the day to day exchanges. Christian to be consulted.
4. General report from Cyclos.
This subject to be revisited at a later date.
5. Updating members balances on the website from Cyclos.
This is being done manually using copy and paste. Christian tried to get the system to do this automatically but was unable to do so.
6. Registering new members.
At the moment Julia is the only member who knows how to do this and she is happy to pass on her training to other members.
7. Membership-developing ID/ password system for contact information.
It wad agreed that we would put this question to the membership perhaps via a survey and offer a choice for those who would prefer their contact details to remain accessible without a password. Members will be invited to a future meeting to discuss this - probably September.
We had a show of hands this evening and agreed that we would prefer photos and profiles to remain public while email and phone contact details should be accessible to members only.
8. What work is involved if members want to do this?
Miriam said if we removed surnames from each page each url would also have to be replaced to avoid surnames being retained in searches. It was decided that a group could come together to share the work if these changes are to be made. It was decided that this would be a good time to standardise the membership form.
9. Could Cyclos help if need be.
It was decided that Cyclos would be of no help with this process.
Clonakilty Favour Exchange Coordinating Group
Meeting Minutes 2nd July 2013
Clonakilty Favour Exchange Coordinating Group
Present: Ger, Alice, Bev, Miriam, Vivian, Mary.
Apologies: Vic, Beth, Julia
Minutes of June meeting discussed and approved.1. Administration Favours estimated amounts agreed - to be confirmed by the admins themselves (all copied in on these minutes):
Liz Bardyn: 20
Julia Foden: 40
Morag McKay: 40
Olive ?
Bev: 20
Miriam: 50
2. Website Update: Bev reported that feedback about the recent edits/changes has been good, no apparent complaints or difficulties. Miriam to complete ‘How to use CFE Page’ as soon as possible.
3. Membership Update: Membership now over 180 people. Miriam to contact all those who replied to the survey who expressed an interest in supporting the favour exchange. Speed Exchange planned for late September. Bev to investigate/pilot short videos for member pages.
4. CFE community/voluntary work discussed in response to query from Vivian. Nothing specific planned for the moment.
5. CFE Facebook Page: Meeting planned for 10th July to coordinate existing pages. Ann Donnelly, Sara Kubiak, Aine Bonner and Alice Glendinning to moderate in future. [Meeting has since taken place and the fb pages have now been merged, Ann D is drawing up a policy/guidelines for moderation).
6. Help Squads – Vivian enquired about same and offered to look for people who would join standing groups for gardening, cleaning and decorating.
7. Free Cycle: Website is now ready but it needs volunteer moderators to manage it. Once moderators have come forward, we need to spread the word. Eleven survey respondents said expressed an interest – Miriam to contact.
8. Favour Fayre: Health and safety discussed. Vivian advised that there is no insurance issue so long as nothing is actually cooked at the fayre – ie no heat or flame source.
Agreed that the therapy themed fayre was a great success and that we should do more. AG suggested a music theme for October – notice of same to go in the newsletter. Miriam confirmed (from Morag) that Deena O’ D has offered us the use of the Venue in future, so long as there is no commercial booking for it on the day. Agreed that there should be at least three themed favour fayres per year. Discussed Morag’s suggestion re encouraging people to have stalls and to pre-book them if possible. Karin J has moved to Cork - Ger offered to coordinate Favour Fayre in future.
9. Expenses: Fundraiser to be held later in the year to cover cost of expenses. Agreed to make it a lunch-time/family event – Miriam to check possible dates with De Barras.
10. Favour Banking/Administration: Need for urgent meeting to understand who knows what about the Cyclos banking system. M to coordinate a date for that. Ger was unable to obtain a password from Christian – it’s not clear who can issue them or what role Vic is offering beyond hosting the software on his server. This needs to be resolved asap.
11. Lifts: Julia has retired as Lifts Coordinator because of other commitments. Vivian has offered to take on the role. Bev to meet with V and show him how the scheme works.
12. Favour Academy: Jillian is running a puppet workshop in August [see website]. Isobel will run an Italian cooking evening [since confirmed for 7th August – details on website].
13. Wood/Logging Group: David O’ S is asking for the tops of 15 Leylandii trees to be removed. Bev to contact Michele to ask if he would do it. Bev to contact logging group re finishing tree felling/logging at Dominic’s.

CFE Coordinating Meeting June 4th 2013
Present: Vic (Chair), Morag, Bev, Miriam (minutes).
Apologies: Olive, Christian, Liz M, Katie S, Julia FMay minutes – matters arising:
Julia F is resigning the Lifts Coordinator role – need to find a replacement
Land use for growing produce in return for favours (Sarah D) – advertise in newsletter and on notice board
Ask Sarah K to coordinate a CFE facebook group – revamp fb pages
Need for a ‘meeter and greeter’ at the favour fayre - for new people/general enquiries – see if anyone is willing to do this
Favour Balances
Morag owed 20 admin favours
Miriam owed 50 admin favours
Julia owed 20 favours
Liz owed 20 favours
Vic suggested a 12-monthly admin favour ‘budget’ with projected ‘income’ and ‘expenditure’ relative to the number of members. This would help ensure admin favours are not over-allocated.
Urgent need to coordinate handover of the cyclos favour banking system before Christian leaves – Vic volunteered to contact Christian and progress. Miriam and Morag also urgently need this installed on their computers.
Member Survery – further feedback
Full results will be posted on the website shortly. Miriam gave feedback of the main points that are a priority for action (see list below, following the minutes). Briefly, over 30% of the membership replied to the survey– a high response rate. 90% of those who replied to Q3 (What has been your experience of exchanging favours) – said that their experience had been good. This is very encouraging. Conversely, the key problem identified is when members don’t respond to requests for favours.
It was agreed to encourage members to report non-responders so that we can better understand where the problem lies. It was also agreed that the emphasis for the next year should be on building an interactive, proactive membership as much as possible and that we should review the level of individual participation in 12 months time because the scheme is still very young.
June Favour Fayre
Morag reported that 16 therapists/service providers will be offering stalls
Musicians to be invited (Mim?)
Publicity: West Cork Campus
West Cork Times
Clon Notes/Southern Star
FV has been unwell so Bev has been progressing this. Draft website done. Bev to organise a meeting of interested parties.
Coffee-Meetup/Drop-in Morning
Morag reported low attendance so far but also felt that a small number of attenders would enable her to devote ‘quality time’ to explaining how the exchange works and/or to respond to queries.
It was agreed that it needs more publicity support than it has had so far – to wit:
Pink Posters!
Phone/email/text the 26 survey respondents who expressed an interest
Regular slot in Clon Notes section of The Southern Star
Alexander Technique Workshop
Katie S has organised a workshop at the Travellers Centre in July
Help Katie to promote – liaise with her to see what she would like.
Updating favour balances from the favour fayre on website – it was agreed to notify people when their favour fayre balances have been updated in future.It was agreed that there is a need to better synchronise the updating of the website balances with those of the cyclos system – automatic updating of both at the same time is the ideal and needs to be investigated. In the meantime it was agreed that the website should be updated once a week.
CFE Survey Results
This summary is not being posted on the website – it’s for the admin coordinators information.Precise (anonymised) details will be posted on the website very shortly but the following are the priorities identified from what respondents have requested/suggested to each of the 10 questions asked. Just over 30% of members responded which is a good result for this type of survey. The number of respondents may also have been affected by a glitch in the survey software which created difficulties for people when it came to filling in the ‘Other’ options in each of the questions where it was offered.
The purpose of the survey was to identify how we might carry the scheme forward over the next year and to assess how far we have gotten with the original plan drawn up by the founder members in Jan/Feb 2012. (That plan is on the website for members to read if they wish, but in most respects we have in fact surpassed most of the hopes we had.) What follows below is by no means an exhaustive picture of what members have to say about the scheme so far. Practically speaking we can’t hope to do everything that has been suggested so the list below is of the most popular/urgent matters arising from the survey and which it is suggested we could realistically focus on over the coming year to help consolidate the scheme and ensure that the way it operates is as good as it can reasonably be. As Bertie would say ‘A lot done, more to do!’ (Forgive me!)
(Q1 Name)
Q2. Why did you join CFE?
Community building projects/helping others was the option chosen by the greatest number of people.
We have not done as much as we had intended in this respect over the least year but clearly this is a priority which would have support from a lot of CFE members.
Q3. What has been your experience of exchanging favours?
Where members are having problems with this, ‘not enough time’, ‘website not user friendly’ are criticisms. The specifics in relation to the website have now been fixed (hopefully). However, members who feel lack of time is a problem may not always realise that CFE is a source of help rather than an extra demand on their time. It would be good if we could make it so that CFE was thought of as a source of help at such times.
Q4. Using the favour exchange website – have you been able to find what you were looking for?
It seems that 60% of respondents have had a less than easy experience of using the website to find what they need. As above, the problems have been rectified.
Suggestion: every new member should be offered/given a demo of how the website works and have it explained to them how, where and from whom to seek help if they need it.
NB: Experienced internet and website users don’t have this problem – and comments from that cohort of members say the exact opposite about the website.
In short, the medium as much as the concept of the favour exchange itself are both new and so we have to be mindful of that when people join.
Q5. What is your preferred way to ask members for favours?
Email is the most popular method – but not that of a majority.
However many people have asked for opportunities to get to know people and for meeting in person so that asking for favours feels more comfortable.
Q6. What is your experience of asking for favours?
Disappointingly only 37% of respondents said they had had a ‘good’ or ‘OK’ experience of asking for favours. This relates not to the ‘quality’ of favours done but to the response to requests for favours which are largely going unanswered.
It’s argued this is on its own an issue that could destroy the favour exchange. Are we better to have a small membership of committed people who will mostly respond to requests and who will oblige as much as they possibly can? Should we, politely and kindly, suspend membership of those who haven’t responded to requests within a given time period? Members who don’t respond are, however much unintentionally, damaging the reputation of the favour exchange over time. The feedback is that it is dispiriting for new members in particular to join enthusiastically and to be ignored. And given the non-responders are a majority then this is something that urgently needs to be addressed.
Membership support is clearly an urgent priority in this regard – as much as possible needs to be done to encourage people to engage with the scheme.
Q7. How do you like to be kept informed of activities?
From the responses, the priority here is for an urgent revamp of our facebook page.
Q8. If we organised them would you be interested in one or more of these CFE community building activities?
Coffee meet-up/drop-in was the most popular suggestion, now already happening on Wednesday mornings.
Q9. Would you have time to help with any of the following?
Offers were made for help with the following:
Facebook page
Favour Fayre
Film Club
Book Club
Help Squad
Support new members
Tech Admin/favour updating
Q10. ‘Other’
Various comments were made here which will be published on the website – together with the specific stats to each of the above questions.
Miriam/June 2013
Coordinating Group Meeting April 2nd 2103
Present: Eugene, Bev, Florence, Ger, Beth, Miriam
Apologies: Olive, Julia
- March Meeting Minutes – matters arising.
- Kindergarten: – It was agreed to find out whether Lorna had found the help she needed for this.
- New Admin System – Update:- to notify Morag that the balances are different on the website and the app – the former needs to be updated asap after the latter. Agreed that a week’s lag was reasonable so updates to website could be done in a single weekly batch. Automatic updates under investigation – Christian away for a couple of weeks – to progress when he returns/has time.
- Asks: The CFE Newsletter should include new Asks with each edition.
- Update on Favour Fayre Meeting:- members referred to Christian’s minutes on the website – also emailed to everyone. Ger reported Olive was meeting with Deirdre re upcycling art stall for children and had bought material for tablecloths for the tables.
To check whether Siobhan Mc was willing to do the seed swap stall.
To do a safety review of the fayre (Jo Lorriman a possibility).
Date of Maintenance/Clean-up of covered area Thursday 11th April – all welcome/needed.
- Upcycling:- Florence discussed various issues that need to be taken into consideration for this – Eugene and Florence reported problems seen on other schemes. Agreed the following:
To be an upcycling stall at the Favour Fayre
To trial a dedicated CFE upcycling website-cum-facebook page as a model to begin with – all posts to be pre-moderated for the time being to help avoid the abuses seen in other similar schemes. Clear directions and rules to be set out for all users. Volunteers needed to moderate – up to three sessions a week so posters don’t have to wait too long to see their ‘ads’ go live.
- Members Survey:- Miriam explained the structure and purpose of the survey which is to help us understand how people are using CFE and what they like and don’t like about it. This information to feed into a review of the favour exchange after 12 months of operation.
- Group Favours:- Linda Coyle’s Workshop Tuesday 9th April and Alice G’s Homeopathy seminar announced [is there a date for the latter]. Notice to be given to all members via Newsletter, website, twitter and facebook.
- A.O.B. a) Concern was expressed about possible confusion when members want to limit the favours they do for other favours – i.e. when they expect to be paid. One member reportedly believes the favour exchange may be used as an initial introduction to their skill/service – i.e. offering an initial favour as part of the exchange scheme and expecting money for anything further. It was suggested that fundamentally the arrangement should be agreed between the two people concerned.
However, it was also noted that the principle of the favour of exchange is that no money should be involved. That said, members are free to limit the amount of professional work they do for favours. It was suggested that members should specify where they stand on their membership pages. Agreed also that there was a need for guidelines – to be drafted in time for next meeting so they can be discussed, agreed and posted on the website to help avoid possible misunderstanding/disappointment
b) Beth gave details of a 2-hour training being offered by West Cork Leader on finance training for social entrepreneurs on the 11th April, 11-1pm. Noted that this clashed with the clean-up at O’ Donovan’s Hotel! Members to be notified via facebook and twitter. [Missed the recent Newsletter].
Clonakilty Favour Exchange.
Minutes of Monthly Meeting held Tu. 5th March 2013.
Present: Eugene (chair) Olive, Bev, Christian, Julia, Beth, Micheal, Morag, Istvnevan (excuse spelling) Terry, Lorna (Clon Kindergarten). Apologies Florence. Minutes of meeting of 5th Feb 2013 were read and accepted.
1. Christian’s Admin System.. Christian furnished a handout of the new Cyclos system. Some training has been given but further training will be required for admin team. Bev indicated that it was a good system, much easier and simpler. Christian advised that it was in use in Germany for over 15 yrs. It will take ¾ to make the full switchover to the new system.
2. Logs & Wood Group Update. – Bev. Bev advised that there has been 3 visits to Bantry to collect wood. 5 trees have been felled but other trees also planted. Wood needs time to dry properly before use. Ideal for next winter. Wood will be available to members of the wood group and for favours and also available on Favour Fayre day.
3. Favour Fayre update - March Favour Fayre. Bev suggested that the Fayre be moved to the 2nd Sunday of each month rather than the 1st. This will (a) avoid conflicts with other events in town, and (b). it will mean that it comes after our monthly meeting so that there will be an opportunity to plan and discuss the Fayre in advance. This was agreed by all.
Bev indicated that there was still a need for assistance so as to properly run the Fayre. This falls into 3 parts, (i) Publicity, (ii) Co-ordination on the day, (iii)cleaning up etc. It was felt that the Fayre has not yet reached its full potential, in terms of the extent and range of activities available.
There was some discussion as to the location/venue, size, weather etc, and Terry mentioned the use of the Parish Hall near the church. There was also mention of the need to have some assistance/info for members of the public in relation to how the CFE operated.
Eugene suggested that the task of organising the Fayre needed more than one person, that a small sub committee was required, and that ideally this might be drawn from the Fayre stall holders. Bev suggested that towards the end of the next Fayre on Sunday, that he would hold a small meeting whilst everyone was there, so as to discuss this. It was also suggested by Olive that it would be a good idea to offer a hamper of goods from the Fayre to O’Donovan’s hotel in acknowledgement of use of facilities etc. Bev suggested that it would be good if we could clean and decorate the yard. It was also suggested that the hotel could also indicate to us how we might be of assistance to them.
4. Book Club Update & Meet the Author Celebration– Bev. Bev advised that the next Book Club meet would be 21st March 2013. The book is CFE member Tina Pisco’s book “Only a Paper Moon” Based on the actual landing of B17 bomber “T’Aint a Bird” during WWII, "Only a Paper Moon" is an enthralling story of unexpected love.
“Who did he think he was, dropping out of a plane like that, with his fancy ways, singing to her about Paper Moons?” Tina will also be speaking at a public meeting in O’Donovan’s on 28th March 2013.
“Who did he think he was, dropping out of a plane like that, with his fancy ways, singing to her about Paper Moons?” Tina will also be speaking at a public meeting in O’Donovan’s on 28th March 2013.
5. Upcyling Plans Florence. – Florence unable to attend but still interested in pursuing the idea as per last months meeting minutes. Matter to be carried forward.
6. Favour Balance for Admin Work. The following Favour transfers were discussed and agreed for CFE admin work. Morag – 40 Favours, - Christian – 40 Favours, - Ger – 20 Favours, - Olive 20 Favours. Paul - 40 Favours, - Miriam -- 20 Favours, - Bev- 20 Favours, - Julia 40 Favours. Julie D ? – 10 Favours. Eugene - 24 Favours.
7. Members Survey Bev. Bev updated us on the proposed survey. It will be a “tick box” with add comment format. Members may or may not give name but preferable if they do. It can be filled in on line. It will be ready in a few weeks, Bev to proceed. Christian suggested the use of “Survey Monkey” ?
8. Linda’s Voice Workshop. – Date to be set for this in April 2013.
9. Clonakilty Kindergarten Assistance Needed. Lorna from the Kindergarten attended. She advised that the Kg is suffering financially and its future is not guaranteed. They badly need help with fundraising and other assistance. They will have a fund raising disco on St. Patrick’s day after the parade at ?5pm in the Emmet Hotel. They are seeking assistance with arts and crafts, face painting, music and other assistance. There were several offers. Lorna can be contacted directly @ 086 0224388. In return the Kindergarten can offer the use of a room to CFE members. Large size, however, users would have to organise their own insurance. (normal rental cost of room would be €25 for 4 hours. A CFE account can be created for the kindergarten and Christian clarified that CFE members could also use its services on a favour basis.
10. AOB.
(i) Beth made us aware of a West Cork Leader, Social Enterprise programme which it is hoped to set up in Clon. It will be free but dependent on getting 12 people to participate. It is organised in conjunction with CIT & UCC. Further details can be had from Catherine at WC Leader tel. 087 – 9876390.
(ii). Christian advised that his cookbook should be ready for April Fayre. He acknowledges the assistance of about 15 CFE members in its preparation. He also gave details again about his offer to members of the Exchange of a 50% discount on the menu prices displayed on the website www.clikechef.com in Exchange for 4 favours per person (table of 4, or 8 table of 2 persons). Available Dates are displayed and can be reserved through the website. Additional dates or catering in your own house on request.
Coming up Easter, he would like to offer members a free session in mis kitchen to introduce a Austrian Easter Tradition, Easter Egg colouring and Egg Bashing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNYbMg6dEm0
Coming up Easter, he would like to offer members a free session in mis kitchen to introduce a Austrian Easter Tradition, Easter Egg colouring and Egg Bashing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNYbMg6dEm0
Eugene McCarthy 7th March 2013

CFE Minutes of meeting of Tuesday 5thFeb 2013.
Present: (7). Olive, Ger, Vic, Christian, Bev Alice, Eugene (chair). Apologies: Florence.
(1). Minutes of meeting held on 4th Dec 2012 read and approved. Re item 9. German film crew, Bev advised that crew had come and filmed. Presently editing. Video will be available soon on CFE website and German TV.
(2). Christian’s Computer Course and plans for Cookery Academy 2013. Christian’s expects cook book to be ready by end of Feb. Hopes to do cooking from different countries. 5 countries – 5 recipes. Has idea to have group of max 8 people cook together on Friday/Saturday. Everyone contributes in some way. Bring your own wine. Slogan “Never Eat Alone”. Also considering Valentine’s singles cook night. ? Cost in favours ??
(3). Log’s & update of Wood group (Bev).
Trees cut in Bantry, but still there. Plan is to go to Bantry on Sat 23rdFeb, to cut logs and transport back top Clon. – 40 Favours to Paul Cullen for work done.
(4). Favour Fayre - Update plus March Favour Fayre. Fayre last Sunday 3rd Feb went well. Ger says 7/8 stalls. Some new faces/members. Next Fayre, 1st. Sunday March 2013. – Bev expressed the view that the Fayre really needs an “Impresario”. Someone to take charge and organise and liaise with hotel and stall holders etc. To put up posters on the Friday before. Ideally there should be a variety of tables, children therapy etc and it would be good if someone could take on this task. Plan: to seek to advertise this post. - ? issue of small table from hotel will no longer be available ??
(5). Film Club Update –Vic. Vic advised that there would be no more film club. Numbers were small and brighter evening coming etc. However, he indicated that he would be willing to run it again in the autumn/winter.
(6). Book Club Update.
Bev gave update. Jo back in action again. Recent club meeting discussed “Alone in Berlin”. 6 more titles chosen for future meetings. Please see CFE website for details. Also 2 meet the authors sessions arranged in the coming mths. (A) Tina Pisco – “Papermoon” – April 2013, and (B) Bev please complete in June/July 2013.
(7). Up-cycling – Florence via Olive. Florence impressed by Kinsale Swop Shop and wants to set up something similar, possibly via Facebook. Not necessarily limited to Clon or CFE, but looking for CFE support. She is to discuss with Bev. Meeting agreed to endorse.
(8). Favour Balances.
(A).Olive expressed the view that with more people doing balance updates now, there is a danger of mistakes happening. She suggested that when someone does an update that they also add their name to it in case of confusion/query.
(B). It was also noted that there are lots of old “saved” copies of balances. This could also potentially lead to mistakes if the wrong copy was saved. Everything could be lost. Ger suggested making a separate folder for old copies. Christian suggested that it would be prudent to occasionally save the balance files elsewhere in case of system failure etc.
(C ). Bev raised the issue of members not responding to favour requests from other members. This is disappointing. – In meeting new members Olive stresses to them the importance of responding. It was generally agreed that it was understandable that a member might not be in a position to assist, but Bev felt that they should at the very least reply to all queries. Failure to do so could be damaging to CFE. He also suggested that members who did not receive a reply could write to CFE and there might be a polite follow up with the person in question. Olive suggested linking this to a group she would like to form. She is of the view that there is a need for a new group to take on monthly tasks with a view to consolidating of CFE. She feels that CFE is now big enough and that time and energy needs to be dedicated to cultivating existing members. She is suggesting for march 2013, a group of 5-6 people who might look at those members not actively involved so as to encourage them.
Bev suggested the idea of some form of “free exchange” of favours to encourage activity.
(9). Members Survey 2013. Bev. Would like to undertake a survey of all members to get feedback, suggestions and to allow for the raising of issues. Bev will draft survey form and bring to the next monthly meeting.
(10). AGM & 1 Year Anniversary Event.
It was suggested that this might take place in DeBarra’s, perhaps on a Wed. night that was not a music night there. This will be in April /May, exact date not yet set. Bevmay give presentation with review of activity of CFE in its 1styear. Christian offered to help with IT for visual presentation etc. Party to take place after the AGM. No specifics of this yet.
(11). Asks Organisation – Liz. Liz is willing assist people in using the “Asks” service. Will help people to locate services – but will not directly arrange services for members. She will act as “Encyclopaedia Lady”. Brief discussion regards nature of “Asks”. Bev advised that it is really for unusual items and that ideally people should make search and make direct contact with members in the first instance.
(12). Land. – Sarah.
It was noted that Sarah Devoy has some land that she is willing to make available to members for growing etc. Contact Sarah directly.
(13). Singing Voice Workshop. – Linda. Offer from Linda Coyle. Contact Linda directly.
(14). A.O.B. (i). Homeopathy
Alicedoing Homeopathy session on 23rd Feb.2013. – wondering about location/capacity etc. No uptake yet. Bevhas info and will put on CFE web site.
(ii). Publicity/Outreach. Olive advised meeting that there has been contact from person in Greystones, Co. Wicklow seeking advice and info about how we operate. There have been many such enquiries. Most of this work was undertaken by Miriam previously. This is an expanding role and perhaps we need an “out reach” person who can take all this on. Miriamhas suggested that a seminar be organised in Clon later in the year and that people from various places can be invited to come to Clon and attend. This will need further planning and organisation.
(iii). Invitation to Seminar in Knocknaheeney Cork City.
Olive advised that there will be a full day Community Development seminar to be held on 11th March 2013, all day, beginning at 10am. Speakers will include Fr. Sean Healy. Olive would like to let them know how many were coming. However, it was stated that they would expect that we would stay for the full day. Names to Olive as soon as possible please.
(iv) Facebook.
Christian queries why there appears to be 2 CFE FB pages. Confusion. Bev explained the difference between FB “pages” and “person” accounts. Christian Offered to look at it to see what was best. Meeting happy for Christian to do so and delete or create FB pages as he thought best.
(v) Ballinglanna Beach Access Project. Eugene advised that beach has now been inspected for Co. Council by IWSA. Hopes of some movement soon re beach access etc. Eugene raised issue to keep it “live” as CFE assistance may be required in the future.