
Wednesday 2 January 2013

Ruth Fortune

Hi, my name is Ruth and as of March 2013 I'll be living back home in Glandore. Looking forward to getting involved in the favour exchange. I'm not quite sure about what to offer but I guess that can evolve...I've been involved in Cork LETS and have enjoyed meeting up with like minded folks.

Skills to Exchange
Architecture/design ideas. 3D modelling. Help with navigating planning and building regs. Graphics skills, proficient with Photoshop.

Car pooling. I'll be travelling from Glandore to Cork City on Monday mornings and back on Tuesday evenings usually and would like to share the journey. Also other trips from Glandore. Can offer lifts.

Qualifications and experience
Architecture degree and masters and 5 years post grad experience.

Contact details
086 3606830                    

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