
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Minutes of Favour Fayre Coordinating Group Meetings

13.March 2013 6pm

Eugene, Ger
Children clothes
Advise (nutrition, Homeopathy)
what else we could have ?

Bookings for the cabana holistic things and have therapists there.Morag to organize once a month someone.

Having a special fyre for therapists where people can get advice and use the venue space for this every quarter.
Venue space costs 25 Euros so how to finance this ? Maybe donations.

We aim for June 16th to have a therapist fyre addon. Morag is ringing up people who might like to contribute to this.
Childrens table:
Deidre could offer to craft with children and is wondering if we can do a piece of art for the presidents visit on 5th May. This will be done on the 14th of April fyre. Felting will be used as a technique and we supervise this and children can do other things.

We can put a list of things on the website people can collect and we use it to provide different craft works.
Seeds and plant swap:
People can swap seeds directly or for favours. Morags mother might be able to run this for the first few times.
Bank stall / Sign Up Stall:
Music stall:
Istvan will be asked by Bev to look after live music or recording

Signage; Banner at the recorders Ally, Deirdre can make such a banner and we vanish it.

Big one:
Clonakilty favour exchange favour fyre (maybe a A board)

Slik one behind: Clonakilty favour Exchange Information / Favour Bank
join here today

A4 signs:
Childrens table

For the space members might have parasols. Picnic tables are go to move them to a area on the right where the telephone box is.
Stallholders should bring own tables and some are provided.

Olive says at the seminar last time we got a 50 Euro voucher which can be used to buy tablecloths for all tables and she can wash them. So it will look nicer.
We should organize a cleanup of the space and give it a scrub. Thursday morning from 9 to 10 before the fyre. Bev will check with the Odonnovan hotel. Wash window frames, tidy up plants
We can use a power washer from Christian if there is power and water.

Basket for flowers would be nice to do the place up.

We should have a central place for all the admin stuff in a box and Bev will put that signs.
Bev puts posters up
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Westcorkpeople article
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Southern Star


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