
Friday 29 June 2012

Do me a favour. CFE in the Irish Times

The Irish Times reports on barter systems in Ireland.  Here is an excerpt featuring an interview with CFE member Sara Kubiak! by ALANNA GALLAGHER, July 28th 2012

As a NATION, THE IRISH understand the art of giving and receiving favours. During the boom it may have remained a factor of political and business life but it fell out of fashion with the ordinary people. However, now that credit is tight, barter is back. It echoes the old idea of the meitheal, when your neighbours helped harvest your crops in return for your labour when it was their turn to bring in the harvest.

Some communities, such as the Clonakilty Favour Exchange, have formalised the trading policy, streamlining the barter idea by converting money into increments of time. The group connects people willing to work for each other by operating a central directory of services and a system of credits. Each quarter hour worked gains you a credit which can then be used on any of the services available.

“We’re a community swap,” says Clonakilty Favour Exchange founder Bev Cotton. “What we’re doing communities have been doing for centuries.” Barter is more than just exchanging favours, says Cotton. “It’s a great community builder. If nothing else, people get to know each other better.”

Childcare worker Sara Kubiak is one of the newest and younger members of Ireland’s best-known barter charter, the Clonakilty Favour Exchange. The difference between the favour exchange and traditional barter is that time is used as a unit of currency. You don’t return the favour directly. The time you put in is the time you take out.

Kubiak has offered her services as a childminder to the exchange. She has taken out favours, mainly lifts to Cork city on the days she is working. The journey takes 60 minutes. “I no longer have to take the bus, a saving of €18 return,” she says. “Nor do I have to negotiate staying over in Cork with friends.”
Since joining in June, Subiak is now trying to convince her mother and her boyfriend, a software developer, to sign up. In her spare time, she helps out at the local favour exchange library where a donation of two books, DVDs or CDs entitles you to make use of their collection. “It’s extremely social and a great way to meet new people,” she explains.

Stylist and personal shopper Cathy O’Connor bartered personal shopping for a facial. Aoife O’Dalaigh, a beautician friend of hers, wanted O’Connor to take her shopping, so O’Connor suggested she give her a facial in return.  “I love the idea of bartering,” she says. “For me a facial is not an essential, it’s a treat. Orla would never ordinarily pay for shopping services. We went to an outlet mall in the States and she still talks about the great things she bought.” When bartering, it is important to know the value of what you’re offering, cautions O’Connor.

“To successfully exchange favours you have to explain what your services are worth and appreciate what the other person’s services or goods are worth. The whole idea is that money doesn’t change hands but the value of the money has to be mentioned.”
“Barter is great for the non-essentials,” says O’Connor. “But I wouldn’t like to be bartering for my groceries or to pay my ESB bill.”

Danielle Murphy is a make-up artist. “It is a high-maintenance job,” she admits. “How I look is really important. It can be expensive to maintain, as I don’t have a regular wage.”
While making-up a corporate client, she discovered that she was a pilates instructor who wanted to learn how to do her own make-up. Murphy, who suffers from a bad back, asked how she might feel about exchanging make-up tutorials for pilates lessons. Pilates helps relieve her back pain. She got five classes in return for a make-up lesson.

Murphy also engages in barter to get her hair done and offered make-up lessons in return for getting her business cards designed and printed. “I negotiate the offer in advance,” she explains. “That way everyone is clear on what is being proposed. “All my barters have happened organically,” Murphy continues. “It is something that is struck up in conversation. It isn’t something that I would ever be able to hard sell. It only happens with people I like and trust.”

Joe Boyce is one of a trio of Donegal tree men who will chop trees locally in return for taking half the firewood. His barter experience started when his father, a landscape gardener, was asked by a client to remove an old and unstable tree. He enlisted his son Joe, to help, and Drew Gibbons, a friend who had worked in forestry and owned the correct climbing gear to get up the tree.

“That tree gave us wood for the winter,” says Boyce. All three men have wood-burning stoves installed at home to cut down on gas and oil bills.The free wood really helps keep costs down. The trio has just cut down four trees for another woman in Donegal. The timber from these will be seasoned for a year before being burnt as fuel during winter 2014.  “The whole thing is quite organic,” Boyce says. “It works both ways. The trees are taken away for free. You get half the timber to keep. These one-off favours work out for everyone.”

Thursday 28 June 2012

Eoghan O' Leary

Hi there. My name is Eoghan and I am delighted to joint the Clon favour exchange. I think it is a great idea.  I am a secondary school teacher with 7 years teaching experience. 

Skills to Exchange
Grinds in Mathematics (all levels) and Economics (all levels).
I could also help anyone hoping to improve their English.

Qualifications and experience
BA (Joint Honours Mathematics and Economics)
MA (Economics)
H.DIP (Education)

Contact details
 (086) 3751494 

Wednesday 20 June 2012

CFE DVD Library

CFE Give one /take one DVD Library

To join just donate 2 great DVDs (or more) with a one sentence recommendation/description for each. To borrow from the library, donate one more DVD (with a review) and take one from the current list.   To arrange to borrow or to contact the library write to Sara at   Meet Sara at the market at 11.00 this Friday!

Rules: Give good quality DVDs and take care of them.  For other library pages follow link.
DVD Review
2012 (12) A gripping and exciting apocalyptic film
Little Miss Sunshine (15) A heartwarming black comedy about a disfuntional family
District 9 (15) A truely terrific sci-fi thriller
Cloverfield (15) A terrifying sci-fi from the makers of Lost
Gone With The Wind (PG) Romantic, Oscar winning classic 'Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn'
Superbad (15) From the makers of Knocked up, three guys go on a chase for elusive booze, dodging cops and trying to hook up with girls they like before heading to college.
The Assassination of Richard Nixon (15) Historical fiction starring Sean Penn. 'An American Everyman on his chilling date with destiny'
Carlito's Way (18) Powerful and passionate, starring Al Pacino and Sean Penn
Straw Dogs (18) Dustin Hoffman stars in this powerful movie that was banned for 18 years. 'You can only push a guy so far....'
Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid (12) Western adventure with a sprinkling of romance and comedy
The Birds (15) Alfred Hitchcocks horror starring Tippi Hedren and some very terrifying birds
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (15) Expect chills, thrills and surprises
The Shining (18) A harrowing masterpiece from Staley Kubrick, epic horror film!
Monster (18) Shocking and deeply moving, based on a true story
The Butterfly Effect (15) 'change one thing....
change everything'
The Omen Trilogy (18) 'He was born at 6am, on the 6th day, of the 6th month....'
The Exorcist (18) 'The scariest movie of all time'
The Hills Have Eyes (18) Shock a minute chiller
Saw and Saw 2 'Every piece has its puzzle' not for the faint hearted!
Arrested Development (15) Season Two Very funny, clever wit. I would recommend watching season one first.
Batman Begins (12) Christian Bale plays Batman as this movie explores the origins of the legendary Dark Knight. A must see!
bruno (18) Sascha Baron Cohen with uber cool special features....say no more!
No Country For Old Men (15) A gritty game of cat and mouse in this gripping action-thriller by the Coen brothers
The Departed (18) Martin Scorsese makes a stunning return to vintage form. A great mob movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jack Nicholson
Ricky Gervais "Politics" (18) His second ever stand up show. A gifted performer and funny stand up comedian.
Oliver (G) Dickens' famous musical with special features in this edition incl. sing/dance alongs, interactive quizzes, Charles Dickens timeline.
Morris: A Life With Bells On (12) A heart-warming mocumentary about morris dancing, as its star tries to bring this eccentric tradition into the 21st Century.
Mission: Impossible (PG) 'your mission should you choose to accept it...' Also srarring Tom Cruise!
Sliding Doors (15) 'There are two sides to every story' Gwenyth Paltrow living two lives at the same time.
Cadet Kelly/ Get a Clue/ Life-Size (G) Three movies in one box from Disney
King of Queens Season Four
Red Cliff (15) A John Woo film, 'Three Kingdoms-One Fate'
Jumper (15) From the director of The Bourne Identity and Mr. & Mrs Smith, starring Hayden Christiansen and Samuel L. Jackson a story about being able to teleport anywhere on earth.
Elizabeth (12) Orlando Bloom/ Kirsten Dunst
The Longest Yard (15) Prisoners vs Guards, Chris Rock/Adam Sandler
Inside Man (15) Action packed crime thriller starring Jodie Foster, Denzel Washington, Clive Owen
The Talented Mr. Ripley (15) 'A deadly game of stolen identity,' Matt Damon, Jude Law, Gwenyth Paltrow
Anchorman (15) Will Ferrell, 'I'm Ron Burgundy, here's what's happening tonight...' in 1970's San Diego
Pride and Prejudice (G) Romantic comedy, Kiera Knightly

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Trish Rohan

Hi my name is Trish  and I would  like to join your group.  I am employed by the HSE as a  home  help

Skills to Exchange
I can offer care of  the elderly,  house cleaning, ironing, gardening and looking after small animals for  holidays.

Qualifications and experience
Many years as a home help caring for the elderly

Contact details
087  6353776

Maura McCabe

Maura McCabe is my name, living in Clonakilty for over 2 years and loving it!  I have travelled a lot around the world and think there is nowhere more beautiful than West Cork.

Skills to Exchange
My specific skills are:

Qualifications and experience
Graduate of the Marketing Institute of Ireland and more than 20 years experience mainly in the Travel & Tourism business.   Qualified Life Coach and more than 7 years experience in this sector working with clients on weight management issues.

Contact details
087 2989104

Monday 11 June 2012

Roni Crowley

Hi I'm Roni Crowley, mother, office worker and baking enthusiast!

Skills to Exchange
I can bake a few things, I'm reliably told my apple tarts are my specialty but I'm handy enough with scones, breads, eclairs and most things pastry based.  I can sew just about enough to repair things. Handy enough to get the school uniform from one end of the year to the other or to fix that fallen hemline. 
Unlikely combination I know but I am also handy at computer issues.  Having fallen victim to a virus or two I know a bit about getting rid of them, preventing them and getting your data back if you fall prey.  Also good with installing software and hardware. 

I also have really good Microsoft (and Open) Office skills so I can help out with improving the look of your documents, presentations, spreadsheets, etc so if you've been tearing your hair out trying to get a table of contents working for your thesis, using cross formulas or fitting images into your Powerpoint, I might be able to spare you reaching for the Regaine!

Qualifications and experience
MSc in Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing

Contact details

Sunday 10 June 2012

CFE Book Library

CFE Give one /take one Book Library
To join just donate 2 great books (or more) with a one sentence recommendation/description for each. To borrow from the library, donate one more book (with a review) and take one from the current list.   To arrange to borrow or to contact the library write to Danny at
Rules: Give good quality books and take care of them.
Book Review
Digital Fortress (Dan Brown) Master craft in tension from Da Vinci code author with his trade mark wooden dialogue
Devil May Care (Sebastian Faulks) Birdsong author writes as Ian Fleming in a classic James Bond revival
Brokeback Mountain (Annie Proulx) Great master of the short story, featuring the story that inspired the film
Captain Corelli's Mandolin (Louis de Bernieres) Everybody's favorite novel set in War time Greek Island
The English ( Jeremy Paxman) Witty and insightful observation about everything that is lovable and infuriating about da Brits
Palestine (Jimmy Carter) A controversial New York Times best seller,subtitled Peace not Apartheid this is  Jimmy Carter's perspective on Palestine
Bad Blood (Lorna Sage)
Whitbread prize winning memoir that I just couldn't get to grips with.Guardian review of the time describes it as 'destroying so successfully the fantasy of the family as a safe place to be.'
Buddha Da (Anne Deacon) Really enjoyed this book.Written in a Glaswegian brogue it's a funny tale of a painter/decorator taking up meditation at the local buddist centre and how this effects  his family life
The Yacoubian Building (Alaa al Aswany)
Loved this book. Set in a building in Cairo at the time of the Gulf War, it tells a story of sex,power and politics through it's occupants. It's full of richly developed characters. .A best seller in Arabic as well as in English.