
Saturday 2 February 2013

Caring for your Voice

A workshop for Teachers, Singers, Actors, Public Speakers and other Professional Voice Users led by Linda Coyle, Speech-Language therapist and Music Therapist.

Date: Tuesday, 9th April

Time: 7.30-9.30pm

Location: Boardroom above Courtyard Bar.

From attending this workshop you will learn about: 
  • How to maintain a strong healthy voice
  • How to prevent or reduce the risk of voice problems
  • Tips for projecting your voice safely and effectively
  • How to encourage a freer voice
  • What to do if you experience voice problems

Cost: Favours shared between participants

Maximum participants: 8

For enquiries or to book a place, contact Linda on: 087 2770752/ 023 8853924 
or email:

About me:

Linda Coyle is a Speech-Language Therapist and Music Therapist with over 15 years experience in working with people with communication difficulties, across speech, voice and/or language. She has extensive experience in voice work, and provides both workshops and individual sessions in the areas of voice care, voice coaching and voice therapy. You can read more about Linda and the services that she provides at

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