
Sunday 10 March 2013

President says a cupla focal about Clonakilty Favour Exchange

President Michael D Higgins visited Clonakilty today, 5th May 2013, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the granting of  the town charter.  Welcomed by people and politicians he gave a stirring speech in the newly refurbished Emmet Square in which he praised the town for its community spirit and music.

President Michael D chews the beef with CFE members Vic and Deb
Singling out the Fair Trade movement, Random Acts of Kindness Festival, Tidy Towns and the Clonakilty Favour Exchange he praised the people of Clonakilty for harnessing the strength that comes from helping each other. Quoting local boy made good Henry Ford of Ballinascarthy he said “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

You look like the Saxy Lady Boys
He continued:
"You have also demonstrated great innovation here locally in devising your own unique response to these recessionary days - the Clonakilty Favour Exchange - trading time and talent in a great community response to the straitened times we live in.

Despite, or indeed because of the current straitened times, we are seeing the most engaged, civic-minded generation emerging in this country in perhaps the last 50 years, citizens who are volunteering in their communities in record numbers".
More pics of the day here

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Plus a great write up and more pics here on Irish National online magazine Broadsheet

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