
Thursday 22 November 2012

Aine Bonner

Hi there. I'm Aine, a mum of two who's about to move from Dublin to near Clonakilty.  My husband is from Rossmore, so he's going back to his roots, whereas I'm going further away from home, given that I'm from a small island off the coast of Donegal! I'm really looking forward to moving to the beautiful West Cork and to making new friends in the area. My kids are aged 2 and 7 months, so it would be lovely to meet other mums and to get to know and help out in the community as a whole. We're delighted to be moving and making Clonakilty our home.

Skills to Exchange
I can help with writing classes - creative or otherwise - report writing and analysis, research, proofreading, editing, PR, marketing, social media, content for websites, typing, event planning and management, fundraising...I'm a native Irish speaker so can offer Irish classes for beginners or help with homework for primary school children whose parents may be struggling with the Irish language. I can also bake and cook so if anyone needs a special birthday cake I'll do my best to help out - my last creation was a Ben & Holly cake and previous to that it was Peppa!

I'm also willing to do some babysitting or help out fellow mums if they have a hairdresser's appointment or just need an hour of 'me' time! I would also be willing to pick up bits of shopping for any elderly people who may not have a car or easy access to shops.

Qualifications and experience
Since having my second child, I've become a work-from-home mum. I'm now a freelance reporter and media consultant and I've also given Media and Writing courses to Transition Year and Leaving Cert students. I graduated with a BA in Journalism from DCU in 2004 and since then I have been working full time in the national print media and have contributed to TV and radio. I also have a Masters in International Security and Conflict Studies.

Contact details

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