
Sunday 15 July 2012

Anne Scallan

I'm Anne. I'm relatively new to West Cork and delighted to find the CFE as it sounds like a great way to give something to the community and in so doing hopefully meet new people and make some pals. I work from home in IT but far prefer to spend my time knitting, sewing and generally messing about with fabric and textiles in general.

Skills to Exchange
 Creative sewing - in particular I love to make bunting, You know those rows of little flags you can use for all sorts of celebratory events. You provide the fabric I'll sort you out some bunting. If you want something special like "memory bunting" I can make it from your children's old clothes or other cotton fabric that holds particularly special memories. I'm also happy to make little items like pincushions, needle books, simple soft toys etc etc etc  any of which can be made from your "special memory" fabrics.  ps I can only do regular cotton fabrics, afraid t-shirt jersey or the like won't work

Qualifications and experience
BA in Fine Art helps!

Contact details  
085 277 8114  (reception bad so text messages best)

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