
Monday 1 October 2012

Favour Exchange Workshop with Constantin Gurdgiev at Kilkenomics 2012

Kilkenny may have The Marble, but here in Clonakilty we have The Favour!

The Kilkenomics festival (click on that link for the full programme) celebrated its third year of  bringing economists and comedians together to laugh and cry over the dying days of our economic system.  In keeping with the solutions-focused theme of this year's festival the top fringe event brought something more positive - "The Economics of Goodwill".

Flanked by the rapid rise in community exchange systems in Greece and Spain as well as in the US, UK and France, Ireland has made its own unique addition to the LETS and Time Bank explosion: the Favour Exchange.  Started in Clonakilty this year, already Favour Exchanges have sprung up from Dublin to Listowel via Cork and Killarney.

The workshop took place at the Pembroke Hotel on Saturday 3rd November.  Speakers included founder member and staunch supporter of the favour exchange movement, Constantin Gurdgiev and Bev and Miriam from the Clonakilty Favour Exchange.

The first ever minted Favour is spent - on chocolate!

With thanks to the Kilkenomics festival organisers who did us a big favour by sponsoring this workshop.

More about the origins of CFE can be read here

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