
Thursday 4 October 2012

Marion Wendt

I'm Marion from Rosscarbery. I think Clon-Favour is a great idea, especially in times like this, when most people are a bit shorter in money, to avail from services and help in exchange with your own skills. That's how the world should run, not only money driven. 

I’m a native German, living here for 6 years. While mainly using my brain at work as customer service in a Messaging Service providing company in Clonakilty , I like working with my hands in my spare time, especially giving Reflexology and Reiki treatments for relaxation and balancing of body and mind.  I also enjoy gardening, knitting, painting and decorating. I practice meditation and Tai Chi for myself and have basic knowledge in Shiatsu.

Skills to Exchange
I offer Reflexology and Reiki treatments.
As a native German speaker I also offer German grinds, help with translations and conversation.

Qualifications and experience
ITEC Diploma in Reflexology , Reiki master.

Contact details
085 7503056

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