
Thursday 4 October 2012

Join the work of CFE

Clonakilty Favour Exchange needs you.  Why not help the work of this great community initiative by joining the coordinating team?   It can fit in with your schedule and every little helps.  Plus the work is rewarded not just in kudos and general improvements to your health and happiness, but also in favours so you can redeem  the time worked within the favour exchange, or at the favour fayre!

CFE already have 4 club organisers, a central coordinating team and a number of special events coordinators, meeting chairs and an admin team of 6, so you won't be alone.  And there is always more to do.  No offer of help is too small (or too big).

Benefits include
  • Use your skills and talents to benefit others
  • Learn new skills
  • Be part of a great team
  • Earn favours as you work
  • Great support from the coordinating group
  • Great way to get involved if you are new
  • Great way to give something back if you aren't
Situations vacant
Here are some of the great opportunites currently vacant or needing more people.  Any part of these jobs is enough, and if you only have a few weeks when you might be free or an hour a week to spare it all helps share the load and spread the word.

Help produce posters, publicise events, talk to the press, write press statements, represent CFE at talks and events etc.

Facebook team
Start a CFE facebook page and keep the Facebook community up to date with CFE events and news

Paddy's day parade - coming sooner than you think

Favour Fayre
Help organise this monthly event by coordinating stall bookings and sideshows and publicity

On the day - members needed to run the main event stalls - children's table, face-painting, admin, santa (when season permits) music

Join the team sharing the updating of the favours on excel, and updating the website or answering messages in the email box.  Training in excel, google or blogger given if needed.

Welcome new members by meeting them for coffee (or tea) and introduce them to members who will exchange their first favour

Mr or Mrs encyclopedia
Help members search the website for who does what to get their asks answered. Learn to search the website and answer members email requests for asks with a list of members to try. Training given

Asks page - now automated - help members sign up and use the facility

Meeting coordination
Chair of monthly meeting and minute takers always welcome

If you can help with any or all of these jobs, please talk to any of the current team or send us a text or email 089 4352675

Better still, come to see us at the next Favour Fayre on 2nd December, O Donovan's Hotel, and/or come to the next coordinating group meeting on December 4th at 7.30 in the Courtyard Bar boardroom

We look forward to hearing from you.


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