
Sunday 5 May 2013

Anja Bakker

Hi, I’m Anja. I'm the Flauting Harper...the woman who walks with her harp Sean on her back. I am a woman, musician, performer, teacher, writer, cook, mother.

Skills to Exchange
This summer I'm running the 'Dawn Choir' in the mornings on a beach near us, as well as a series of classes and talks on music history.
I'm available for the teaching of any music subject, from harmony to songwriting, performance practices to improvisation, instrumental lessons for harp, recorders, voice and piano.

Qualifications and experience
B-mus degree from the Cork School of Music, as well as years of experience as a performing artist, teacher, talker, writer, journalist...I also have a swimming diploma or two, a piece of paper that states I'm able to make it from one end of a catwalk to the other without putting myself to shame, a typing certificate, a middle school diploma and a few years in the social sciences at the University of Amsterdam...:)

Contact details
087 2635944                                                      

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