
Sunday 5 May 2013

Mary Casey

Hi, I am a passionate, positive and happy person and feel blessed with my life. I am so excited to be joining such a fantastic group and look forward to meeting and exchanging lots of favours.

Skills to Exchange
I worked for ten years in RTE as a script prompter for TV presenters which has resulted in excellent typing skills.

I am happiest pottering in my garden and would love to bring energy and enthusiasm to other gardens.

Currently we are fostering dogs while their forever homes are found and it is unbelievably rewarding so would love to extend home from home to other dogs if their owners are going away for a few days break.

I am neat and tidy with a paint brush (decorating!) just don't ask me to climb more than three rungs on a ladder.

Would love to improve my DIY skills so if you need someone to hold a shelf while you drill give me a call.

Qualifications and experience
My whole life has been an amazing experience thus far. I am a mum to three amazing children. I enjoy healing with Angels and Reiki (level 1). I did many personal development workshops in Holland a few years ago which has helped me value all I experience in my life.

Contact details
087 6694247                                                                      

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