
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Paw Camp with Liz

*Want to build a better working relationship with your dog?

* Keen to have your dog follow instructions and respond to you when you need them to?

*Or want to know about a great method to help dogs with behavioural problems?

What better way than to come to either (or both) of these two special Favour Academy dog training morning sessions with  Liz "dog whisperer" Mahony.  Liz is a professional Dog Trainer & Behavioural Consultant & a Holistic Therapist for all animals. The session is in two parts -a Paw Camp of basic training for dogs and owners, and a special TTouch session for helping dogs with shyness or fears of many kinds. Come to either one or both. Favours for the session to be shared between participants.  For CFE members, but teenagers also very welcome.  Dogs especially welcome, but you can come to watch if you would like.


Paw Camp

Date:Saturday, August 17th. 
Venue: Montessori school at Lady’s Cross (just past the Care Choice Nursing Home)
Times:10-30 – 1.30pm

Liz says " Tricks & training will be adapted to the group who attend.  Most likely we will start with the most important commands - to teach your dog to sit & to look at you.  We can then start doing something that keeps their interest. For example, with my own dog, Nutmeg, I’ve taught her to find a treat hidden under one of three inverted bowls. She will then point with her paw or nudge it with her nose to get it. It’s great fun getting the dogs to use their noses & work out where the treat is.

We’ll stop for a break & I’ll have some drinks & biscuits. But even that can be used as a training session to teach dogs not to beg or snatch food.

And finally I’ll use poles to get the dogs to walk over them. Apart from getting the dogs to realise where their feet are, it teaches them balance. We’ll leave the dogs in a sit (with help, if need be) at one end of the row of poles & then call them. There will be variations on that. In one morning, you will have started teaching your dogs to sit, look, stay & come.

Teaching the commands should always be fun for both owner & pet.  When I’m training with anyone, young or older, I make sure they go away happy having achieved something, to have a better rapport with their dogs. Everyone gets to learn something about their dog".


TTouch Therapy

Date:Saturday, August 24th. 
Venue: Montessori school at Lady’s Cross (just past the Care Choice Nursing Home)
Times:10-30 – 1.30pm

Here is Liz on youtube talking about TTouch

Liz says "TTouch helps dogs that are fearful, shy, aggressive, phobic, with psychological, emotional & behavioural problems, & in some cases even physical problems. It’s also good for maintaining general well-being. This will be a demonstration of  the beneficial effects of TTouch therapy on dogs.

I will give a short description of the Tellingt on Touch method & how it works. Then I will work on each dog separately.

I can also teach owners a couple of the basic touches to use on their dogs at home.

This is open to both young & adults. They can bring their dogs as long as the dogs can either be left in the car for a short period or can sit quietly in the same room as other dogs without causing a rumpus".

For more information and/or to book a place contact Liz on
or email

And find out more about TTouch here

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