
Monday, 12 March 2012

Sara Devoy

I'm Sara, a familiar face to many of you at Clonakilty Market. I run Devoys Organic farm with John and three lively children.

Skills to Trade
We are willing to host simple cooking and picking sessions. We can make  pestos, humus, or anything with an egg!  A change to see growing in action and ask questions about Organic growing.

Willing to feed and mind a child for an afternoon after school if they would fit in with our age groups.
On a Friday I can deliver peoples market purchases, ( any stall)  home to enable them to cycle or walk home.

We travel to Cork once a week and can offer a lift, or to deliver something to city centre. Return/exchange a purchase etc.

Qualifications and experience
We grow professionally for over 10 years
I have been cooking and eating well for nearly 30 years
I am garda checked!

Contact details
087 2350900

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