
Friday 9 March 2012

Brian Evans

Welcome, my name is Brian and I am an established Clinical
Hypnotherapist working throughout County Cork, Ireland. I am a fully
trained and qualified Hypnotherapy Practitioner.

Skills to Trade
Experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist offering sessions to help:

Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Depression
Lose weight in a natural and healthy way
Stop smoking
Increase or regain your confidence
Overcome your Fear or Phobia (flying, spiders, dentists- needles, etc)
Move on from Divorce, Separation and bereavement
Manage & Relieve Pain (including IBS)
Help with Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Addiction
Solve emotional problems
Improve sports performance
Change a habit
Prepare positively for exams, driving tests and presentations
Bullying (School, Work and Domestic)

Each session would take approximately an hour and a half =  6 favours

Qualifications and experience
Fully trained and qualified Hypnotherapy Practitioner

Contact details

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