
Tuesday 1 May 2012

Ronan Daly

Hello, my name is Ronan and I live near Long Strand. I worked as an engineer and project manager in the area of wind farm development for several years. I’m not sure whether my specific skills in this area will be of use to anyone, but I did gain a lot of experience at figuring technical, logistical and legal stuff out, and I would be happy to  throw my hand/head at anything. I also sing, play guitar and ukulele.
My main assets at the moment are time and a general openness to anything.

Skills to exchange
Guitar or beginner Ukulele lessons.
To discuss, advise or assist (if possible) with projects of any nature.
Although I am not particularly skilled in the areas of gardening/DIY. I would be delighted lend a hand to anyone in need.
Tutorials in Mariokart for the Super Nintendo (miss-spent childhood)

Qualifications and experience
Engineer with 10 years experience in wind farm development.

Contact details

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