
Thursday 24 May 2012

Jack Kelleher

Jack:  I fix bicycles, tell stories, and volunteer here and there around Clonakilty.  I'm a dual national permanently resident in Ireland, live by the sea near Ardfield and get around by bicycle.

Skills to Exchange
I have been an avocational bicycle mechanic since the 1970s and enjoy seeing a good old bike get back on the road.  I can teach others how to repair their own bike, fix flats and the like.
I am a retired lawyer and judge and can help in understanding and accessing the labyrinth we call government.

Qualifications and experience
Qualified lawyer in New York for over 40 years.  Have taught comparative law, Irish/American at university level at University of San Diego and  TC Dublin.
I possess and know how to use a lifetime's collection of bicycle repair tools.

Contact details (preferred)
 087-1622322  (text preferred)

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